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IELTS Writing task 1: line graph

2017.05.04 13:47

Line graph-Standard Structures:

1.-Introduction, :paraphrase  ただ質問文の言い換えをすると良い。

   ex) The *line graph shows→"illustrates"  ←*ラインの所は言い換えない。

   between 2005 and 2015 →from 2005 to 2015


-Overview, →数字とかは特にいれないで、ただキーフレーズやトレンドを書く。

 ex) UK and Germany showed a steady but significant rise over the period,

         while the percentage of recycled waste in France experienced a downward trend.

    You can group the data,

    1st.way   By country

    2nd.way  By similar trend


-Feature 1  

   Increasing trend ; country, rate, time, 最初と最後

-Feature 2

  Decreasing trend;同上