Mines act 1952 in hindi pdf
PDF4PRO. Trends. DMCA. The Mines Act 1952. 50 Leading Cases of Supreme Court of India discountbookstore.in 50 Leading Cases of Supreme Court of India BY The Mines Act, 1952 (Act No. 35 of 1952 as Amended Up to Date). Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design is a comprehensive account of the open pit slope The mines act, 1952 which was enacted to amend and consolidate the law relating to the regulation of Lob our and safety in mines came into force with effect For the purpose of the act, a mines means any excavation where any operation for the purpose of searching for or obtaining minerals has been Keywords: Mines Act, Its Functionalities, Workings, and Scope in our Country, Aims, Objects, and Commencement, Inspectors and Hence, the basic objective of the Act is to provide labour and safety of the mines as well as to amend and regulate the legislation for the betterment of labourers and The minerals and mining industry is a key segment of the Indian economy, with India being highly endowed with vast mineral resources. The country's accelerated growth rate warrants a rapid development of the mining sector, on which most of the basic industries in the manufacturing sector Introduction to Mines Act 1952 Act not apply in certain cases CHAPTER - III 'COMMITTEES' CONSTITUTION OF COMMITTEES Functions of the committee Powers, etc. of the Committees Recovery of expenses QUIZ. are covered. Subscribe to our channel for more details and videos. THE MINES ACT, 1952 book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Start by marking "THE MINES ACT, 1952" as Want to Read English Hindi. The Mines Act 1952. 3989 Views. MRP : ₹160.00. Faculty Notes All CS Bare Acts books by Faculty Notes. Author: Panel Of Experts. Mining and quarrying workers. Type of legislation: Law, Act. Adopted on: 1952-03-15. Amends and consolidates the law relating to regulation of labour and safety in mines. In particular provides that recognized trade unions have the right to access certain company information and must be sent multiple choice questions MCQs pdf Objective type questions Practice test on mines act word. on mines act 1952 which will help you to understand The mines act 1952 MCQ pdf with Answers 2) Which section of The mines act 1952 deals with the Facilities to be afforded to Inspectors? (1) This Scheme may be called the Employees' Provident Funds Scheme, 1952. (2) [Save as otherwise provided in the Scheme, this Chapter] and Chapters II and III shall come into force at once and the remaining provisions shall come into force on such date or dates as the Central Government may by Mines, Mines Act 1952, Cẩm Phả Mines Maps, Cap Lamp In Mines , South Dakota Mines, M.c.m. Mauritania Copper Mines, Montceau-les-mines. Crystal Mines, In India Diamond Mines Are Found In, South Dakota School Of Mines, Mines Rule 1955 In Hindi Pdf, Should South African Mines Be. Mines, Mines Act 1952, Cẩm Phả Mines Maps, Cap Lamp In Mines , South Dakota Mines, M.c.m. Mauritania Copper Mines, Montceau-les-mines. Crystal Mines, In India Diamond Mines Are Found In, South Dakota School Of Mines, Mines Rule 1955 In Hindi Pdf, Should South African Mines Be. (1)This Act may be called the Mines Act, 1952. An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the Regulation of labour and safety in mines. 1. MINES ACT, 1952 An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the regulation of labour and safety in mines. The act include several welfare and safety measure provisions and to provide certain amenities to the workers employed therein. Structure of mines act: The act basically contain 10
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