Cast care instructions for patients
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splint care instructions
Taking Care of Your Splint or Cast. The following information provides general guidelines only, and is not a substitute for your doctor's advice. Swelling. Rest and elevation help reduce pain andHome care · Don't stick things in the cast, even to scratch your skin. · Don't cut or tear the cast. · Cover any rough edges of the cast with cloth tape or Cast Care Instructions · Check the cast daily for cracks and changes. Keep the cast dry and clean. · Check the skin around all cast edges daily for redness, Basic Cast Care: · Raise the cast above the level of the heart. · Wiggle the uninjured fingers or toes often (every hour for 24 hours, then every 4 hours) · Use Keep the cast dry · Don't let your child do any activities that could the cast wet. · Take special care to keep the cast dry when your child bathes or showers. Cast and skin care · Try blowing cool air from a hair dryer or fan into the cast to help relieve itching. Never stick items under your cast to scratch the skin. How can I take care of my child? · Elevation. If the leg is injured, elevate the leg on pillows for at least the first 24 hours. · Pain relief. Give acetaminophen
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