Ameba Ownd



So Yummy!?-アフタヌーンティーはお好きですか?

2021.11.10 16:23

There is an English translation as below, This blog refers to my way of thinking and beliefs. Thank you very much

英国といえば、アフタヌーンティーを思い出す人も少ないとおもいます。私も昔はアフタヌーンティー大好き人間でした。初めていったのは、別れた旦那とThe savoyで堪能しました。彼はおいしそうに全部平らげてましたが、私が食べれなった。正直におもったのは、目はうれいしのだが、私のお腹が受け付けられなかった。離婚の原因にもなってます。


最近いったのが、英国ロンドンのHam yard Hotelでのアフタヌーンティーでした。


When we think of the UK, there are some people who connects the image of the Afternoon tea. Then, I used to be an one of them. The debut of my Afternoon tea was at Savoy hotel which was posh. I was with my ex husband. He ate everything, but I could not. This made a difference between us and it finally caused a part of the reason we divorced. 

Secondly, I went to Conrad Tokyo to celebrate with my friends birthday in Afternoon tea. 
The Conrad is well known as the most highest ceiling around Tokyo. I saw most foreigners tend to stay there. We had a very good time and the afternoon tea of Conrad style was so unique compared to the UK one. but my belly was welled up with tea and I could not think of good memory any more. 

Lastly,  I went to Ham yard hotel near the whole foods market at London Piccadilly circus. 
An one of a new French friend asked me to go to the hotel to celebrate with his birthday together. I expected he might be my boyfriend in my near future, but it would not. I was so disappointed to find his bizarre characteristics and he was totally womanizer. Unfortunately, the afternoon tea was too sweet to swallow everything. 

Overall, I feel that the afternoon tea gets popularity to enjoy luxurious time drinking tea or eating biscuits or cakes. I often came across people who are relatively rich or people who are not busy working. Probably, the afternoon tea custom might rely on class system. To me, I like to have an one item in one day, instead of having all at one time. Honestly. I would rather cherish one single item of the afternoon tea. 

Afternoon tea at ham yard hotel in 2019

In front me is my new French friend. 

with jam and clotted cream


The afternoon tea at Conrad Tokyo in 2015

A birthday plate for my friends




