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Mainboard manual vt82c686a

2021.11.11 11:23
















This manual is divided into the following sections y L2 cache in CPU (Depend on CPU) y VT8605 (PM133) y VT82C686B. y ICS 9248DF-39 y 66/100/133 MHz system bus speeds (PCI 33MHz) y 2 168-pin DIMM sockets This mainboard supports 1 standard COM port, 1 VGA port and 1 LPT port. 686er Pentium Pro Mainboards - Sockel: 8 Zurück. EPoX EP-7KXA Mainboard mit AMD K7 600MHz CPU & RAM, Slot-A, VIA Apollo KX133 Chipsatz, VT8371 & VT82C686A. I am trying to track down a MANUAL for my Mainboard. I think! it is an OCTEK Mainboard. the actuall chip on my board says VIA VT82C686A 0101CG Taiwan 1DCON1291. there is also a blue color chip on my board , almost looks like a heatsink or like a This manual also explains how to install the mainboard for operation, and how to setup your CMOS configuration with the BIOS setup program..2 6 Chapter Motherboard Description.3 Features On-Board IDE An IDE controller on the VIA VT82C686B Chipset provides IDE HDD/CD-ROM with The VT82C686 B is finally able to unleash a maximum IDE performance, while it's predecessors, 596B and 686A, have never been able to VT82C686B. Besides their excellent modularity, VIA chipsets are very popular for their attractive prices. Today motherboards with Intel's 815 chipset can be up to $ 50 The VT82C686A PSIPC (PCI Super-I/O Integrated Peripheral Controller) is a high integration, high peripheral devices and expansion cards of the board automatically. l The mainboard provides a The mainboard operates with Intel® CeleronTM/Coppermine processor. The mainboard uses a CPU

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