magento 2.0 extensions
One reason why I love Magento so a lot is the plenitude of excellent modules accessible. In case there is a component you need on your Magento site, chances are there is a Magento module that will permit you to do it.

I have utilized most of these main 10 Magento modules when creating Magento locales for customers. Some are free and some are paid for. Yet, by and large, Magento modules that have a cost and great as how long and cash would it cost to foster it yourself? Here I present my main 10 Magento modules of 2011: web site
Standard URLs for Magento --Developed by a person called Yoast, this Magento module is a lifeline. It adds accepted connections to all your Magento pages. So if your Magento site has copy pages with various urls, this Magento authoritative module will let Google know which is the genuine page. For more data on authoritative connections, I prescribe you go to the Google website admins standard page.
Fooman Google Analytics Plus --This convenient module tracks each individual page and utilized capacity inside your Magento stock. It likewise tracks real composed catchphrases by the client. Knowing precisely how your Magento site is utilized by clients is imperative.
Fontis WYSISYG-A "what you see is the thing that you get" Magento module. Vital while conveying your completed Magento site to a customer, as chances are, they won't see how to organize their portrayals by code.
Z-Blocks --Designed by the folks at, The Z-Blocks expansion permits you to make a limitless number of static squares and content things. The best part is that you don't have to physically change your format and design documents I utilize this for making sidebar advancements and head advancements, which is significant for better deal transformations. I can not live without this module. I can not live without this module.
Shop by Brands --Developed by AITOC. This cool Magento module empowers you to make separate pages for brands introduced in your store and connection to them from item pages, accordingly making it more straightforward for your clients to peruse and shop by explicit brands. Besides, You can utilize any classification applicable to your store --like producers, specialists, creators, and so forth --rather than brand names. This arrangement has been effectively utilized by major internet based stores for quite a long time. However, another Magento module that I use for all my Magento stores.
Magento EasyLightbox-I love picture lightboxes, it unquestionably beats the default zoom slider work in Magento. Showcases the pictures of your items as a lightbox.
Auto CrossSell Products-Eliminate all the jackass work via robotizing item strategically pitch upkeep! At the point when client looks at, every one of the items picked are connected as strategically pitch items. An efficient device on the off chance that you have bunches of related items.
Checkout Newsletter-Adds a mark enclose your checkout so clients can accept your store bulletin. A vital module! Who entirely joins to a store bulletin nowadays? Ensure your clients return briefly buy!
On Sale --People love a deal! With the On Sale Magento augmentation you can add outwardly engaging names to any item pictures. The marks can be shown in both item and list sees.
Rewards and Points --OK, this is my trump card number 10. I have been hanging tight for quite a long time for a Magento designer to foster a good rewards and focuses framework for Magento. The folks at aheadworks appear to have broken it! This is most likely a definitive instrument while holding clients.