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I found out all the websites I need to know aboutThe 37 Best Websites to Learn Something NewWhat are the most useful sites for learning something new? How can you find tons of websites that can teach you almost anything, from cooking to programming, for free? That's what this list is all about. Without further ado, here are 37 of my favorite sites that can help you learn anything you want.
## Other Important Terms ##Heuristics - Cognitive aids used in decision making. Heuristics are economical generalizations that help people make reasonably accurate judgments or decisions without exhaustive calculations or detailed analyses. Some heuristics involve recognizing simplify and change the representation of the problem to make it more manageable.Information filtering - The process by which we unconsciously block out information that we think we already know or that we consider unimportant. As a result, we can become unaware of facts and details that might otherwise influence our decision-making. This kind of selective perception allows us to focus our attention on what matters most without becoming distracted by irrelevant facts and details.1. Articulate your goals clearly.2. Find a mentor or role model, someone who's done what you want to do and is happy doing it (and has earned respect for it). Then, emulate them (i.e., do what they do). 3. Build a network of qualified people around you—people who share your passion and will help you out when you need it.4. Gain experience by doing whatever it is, even if it's not perfect or not a lot of fun, because the only way to get better at something is to do it lots.5. Learn how to learn: Take courses, read books, learn from experts, make mistakes and fail fast—then keep going until you succeed.6. Take action early in the morning when there's no one else around and nothing else to distract you from your goal(s).7. Make a list of what you need in order to succeed in your venture and then make a list of the top five people you know who can help you get those things. Then, contact them and ask if they'd be willing to help. If they say no, don't take it personally; it's not about you. Just ask someone else on your second or third or fourth list.8. Ask yourself: "How would I explain this to my best friend?" 9. Create an info-rich environment for yourself; surround yourself with books, videos, podcasts, newsletters, magazines and blogs that will expand your mind and feed the information beast within you.10. Remember that you have the power to choose what you pay attention to, so judge everything by its potential benefit to your goals.11. Recognize that there is a difference between a priority and a priority. Don't let a "priority" from anyone else determine how you spend your time and energy.12. See all of your tasks as opportunities to learn new things—however small—and build upon those skills until you're ready for the big job at hand, whatever it may be.13. Accept that you're going to make mistakes, but never blame yourself if something goes wrong—always blame the situation or environment, not yourself or your lack of knowledge, skill or experience.14.
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