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##How to use it:- Write a brief introduction for your blog post. Make sure to include the title of the article and a link to the file.- Include an outline of what you will cover in your article, including headers and subheaders for each point. Please do not write your entire blog post verbatim in this space; we will be reviewing submissions based on their outlines, not quality of writing here. This is simply a place to provide us with an idea of what you plan on discussing, so please use it accordingly. You can also include images or videos below if you would like them included in your project preview at submission stage. - Save your outline and then submit it to us at https://academic.oup.com/gbt/guidelines/how_to_write_for_the_gbtm##Submission: You will REQUIRE an OUP login to submit articles to GbtM for this journal. Please email the editorial team at if you have any issues logging in or setting up your account at submission stage. Once you have submitted your article, it will be reviewed by the editorial team and undergo peer review by other members of the academic network who are specialists in the field. It will then be subject to a blind peer review process before being accepted for publication. Please note that if you are submitting an article on behalf of someone else (this includes student authors), you must be the main author of the piece and you will need to submit their authorisation forms to support their permission to publish this work. Please refer to our Acknowledgment Guidelines for more information on this.Please feel free to email us at gbtmeditorial@oup.com with any questions or queries regarding the guidelines or editing process. ##English Peer-Review Process
Submission Periods:1. Review line openings begin mid-December 2016.2. Review line closes February 13, 2017 - by 10 pm EST (or earlier)The English version of this journal is peer-reviewed according to the following standards:
1. Identity Conflicts: If the author or another researcher has published work that overlaps with the submitted article, then that person should be excluded from the review process on the grounds of identity conflict.2. Conflicts of Interest: If none of author, co-authors, or peer-reviewers have a conflict of interest with any aspects of this manuscript, please state so in your submission letter.3. Confidentiality: Please inform us whether the manuscript has already been shown to anyone else and whether you would like contact with others who are working on similar topics to be disclosed to you (or not).4. Authorship: Please state in your submission letter how you decided who should be included as an author (e.g.
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