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I am really interested in management and entrepreneurship which is why I read this article. Before reading the article, I was not sure where to start with my "management and entrepreneurship" research. Now, I can see that there are many articles on the subject to choose from. This article helped me find a starting point for my research!There are many articles about management and entrepreneurship that you can read online for free! This list includes different perspectives on issues such as teamwork, communication, managing time, etc. I am interested in learning about the different types of management and entrepreneurship styles. This article covers the history of management and entrepreneurship.This article will give you a better idea about how to start your own business.Case studies are very helpful when you are researching for an assignment. Here are some examples of case studies on online retailing.I think it is important to have a clear goal in mind before starting any project or business plans. This article talks about setting goals in general, but I think it applies to leadership in the workplace too. There are many other articles on this site!
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