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This is a RAR file of the raumplan for windows free download.rar file found on the Internet.The raumplan for windows free download.rar file was uploaded to a computer network and downloaded by other computers on the network using a variety of programs. It appears that this particular file was downloaded from a website called 1shared.com. The website 1shared is an online cloud storage service that allows users to store their files online and access them from anywhere as well as from any device, such as Windows, Mac, iOS or Android phones or tablets, personal computers or netbooks, etcetera. When a computer, smartphone or tablet is connected to the Internet, it constantly sends and receives information back and forth using various protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, TCP/IP and FTP. Some of the files that are uploaded on 1shared.com are downloaded from other people's computers on the network by connecting to a website that has been shared on 1shared.com. When someone downloads a file from another person's computer through a website such as 1shared.com, users can not only store a file online but they can also share it with others who have their own unique internet protocol addresses or IP addresses. These IP addresses can be used to trace a file's location and to see where a file has been downloaded from after it was shared on 1shared.com. If a computer or network that is connected to the Internet uses one of these files, then this information will be recorded online along with the IP address of the computer or network that downloaded these files.In order for computers to communicate with each other over a network, they need what are called protocols. The protocol used by computers and networks connected to the Internet is called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol or TCP/IP for short. This protocol is used by computers that are connected to the Internet to send and receive information to each other. TCP/IP sends and receives all of the files that are shared on 1shared.com. A network must be able to determine which computers or devices on the network should "listen" for certain types of communications or communications requests from other computers or devices, such as a request for a file, and when. When one computer sends a request for a file to another computer, there is what is called a port number in this request which matches up with the same port number that was set in the receiving computer in order for this transfer of information or data transmissions between these two computers to work properly. Both the sending and receiving computers must have the same port number set in order for data transmissions to take place. Port numbers can be thought of as digital doorways or gateways.A computer's IP address is also linked to its MAC address which is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces such as network cards, wireless cards and other types of computer adapters. The MAC address of a computer is permanently assigned to it by the manufacturer and this number never changes during the life span of that particular device.
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