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2021.11.11 22:24

If you want to learn how to program, this article is one of the best resources to start with.This tutorial is for those who already know some computer programming and want to learn how to code in free and open-source language called Python 3.0. You can do so many things with Python. You can write games, write desktop applications, do scientific computing, etc.Python is an easy language to learn and it has a free reference manual (in PDF format) which you can download from the official website of the Python programming language: below is a first part of the first chapter of the first tutorial (basics) that will give you an idea about what Python is and how to use it.The entire tutorial is available online at: . The examples are written in Python 3.0. So if you are using some other version of Python, you will need to convert the examples to match your version before attempting to run them.The material presented in this article is copyrighted by the Python Software Foundation and is used with permission.Python is free but not in the sense of "free beer". You can download it for free, but you must purchase a commercial license if you want to distribute your programs written in Python commercially. Get Python at: . When you get to this page, download and install the version that corresponds with your computer's operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.).Get a Free Python Version: . This is the free Python that has been developed for educational purposes. It is not very useful for actually programming in Python because it lacks certain libraries and tools required to do so. Install Python: After downloading and installing your version of Python and Free Version, you need to install the modules and other tools required for programming in Python 3.0. To do so:1) Open a file called . py in your computer's operating system. This file contains the Python program that will be executed when you run your program.2) Save that file under a name other than .py), e.g.,,,, etc., wherever you like in your computer's operating system's directory structure for storing files in order to keep it separate from other programs or documents that are stored in the same directory structure. 3) Open a command prompt in your Windows/Linux/Mac OS X/Unix command prompt window and type python3 to execute the program named which you have just saved in step 2 above under a new name called python3 .


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