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I like blogging.I like blogging.I like blogging.
Welcome to the blog of Gilberto! What will I be blogging about? Who knows! Nothing, because, you know what- I don't want to blog anymore. It's probably time you learned how to get your blog back!Well, I'll show you.First, let's write down the details of your blog. Let's give it a name: "I want to learn how to blog again". Let's put the date on there too- that way we can see when it happened. For example, "September 10th 2017"; that would be when it happened. Then, right down below where we wrote September 10th 2017; we'll list an url and say something like: 'URL for this blog post'. Next we'll say what kind of website this is and that should be easy: 'A Website About Blogging'. Go ahead and put that final part in there. If you need help, I can do that for you.Then we'll give the name of the person that has this blog. This is important so we know who took your blog away from you. Choose one of these names: Della Grace, Alisha, Butch... Okay, what's wrong with me? I picked Alisha, right? So let's change it to "Alissa" instead by clicking on the text box below it and changing it to read what you want; like I said, I'm nice like that. Next we'll add a picture to your blog. It doesn't have to be a picture at all, it can be a text box saying "I didn't want my blog anymore!" This is mostly for when you have that situation in which you're at a party and you're tired of talking with people, so you just want a little peace and quit the party. That's not a good reason though! I also added the text from my story. I made the font look like this: Then we'll save all of these details about your blog here. You'll notice I added some other details as well. For example, I said that this is a blog about "Blogging". Then, right below it, I put a line of dashes and some more detail on the topic of the post. These dashes are usually followed by a line or two of writing on the topic, but for this one we'll leave it blank.
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