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Since the past few years, a jailbreak has been theorized to happen on ps3 consoles. The ps3 jailbreak finally released on December 31, 2014 with the addition of new firmware, 4.31. Most owners can't wait to use this on their consoles and start the process of unlocakng what they've been waiting for over years, but that's not going to be an easy task. This article is going to explain what a jailbreak is, how it works and what a user has to do in order to jailbreak his console. Every console has different firmware for each version. PS3 consoles have been updated through Firmware 3.56, 4.21 and now 4.31 for the most recent update from Sony Inc.. The most common firmware used among ps3 consoles is 3.56 since it's the most stable one, remaining functional with over 80% of the consoles sold all over the world still using that firmware version on their gaming consoles. The more companies give a person freedom to customize or hack their consoles, the more things can be done with one's console. Before users hack their consoles, they have to meet a few requirements to do so. These requirements are: A user has to have a ps3 retail console, the ps3 is at least method 1.05 (or its latest update method 3.55 if it's higher than), and the firmware version of the game store must be 3.55 (or higher) or later because it can't be installed if its lower than that. The easiest way to check the firmware version is to go in the game store and look in the bottom left corner of the download page. If its 3.55 or higher, then it's safe to download and install. If one doesn't want to spend time looking in that part of his console, he can easily go on his computer, sign in at their Playstation Network account, go under settings and see their system information. The jailbreak process for ps3 consoles is a long process since its not easy to release a jailbreak for this console since Sony Inc. doesn't allow it. The company can harm your console if you do this. There's no way to hack ps3 consoles straight off the bat, so there's always the fear of tampering with your console and breaking it because of an improper installation. Although Sony Inc. can't be hacked, there are still ways to hack the console without explicitly leaving the consoles open to hackers. These vulnerabilities are obtained through finding exploits in games that allows you to gain access without hacking all systems around you. A internet connection is needed for these exploits to work, so it's necessary to have an internet connection before doing any hacking.
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