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This is a review of the upa-usb device programmer v1.3 from the company Upworks Technologies. The software is Windows based, which requires a mouse or keyboard to function properly. The interface is easy to understand and will be able to help you with all your technical needs, including programming in C and C++, creating bootloaders for commercial devices, debugging RAM chips and logic circuits in circuit boards that need repair or firmware upgrade, etc. The price of this program varies depending on what features you would like it to include in your next project. For example, If you want to use the Arduino programming features you will have to pay $119.95 USD.As stated in their website, “UPA-USB is the first USB device programmer that supports all USB-OTG devices, including tablets and smartphones. You can program portable devices independently of computers or laptops, using UPA-USB's user-friendly software without the need for complex PC technology.” The program is also well known for its cheatsheet feature where it will show the output of every command. The cheatsheet has been well received by users as it shows all the possible outputs of commands in a simple way which makes understanding complicated algorithms easy. The program also includes an embedded software development kit (SDK) where it allows the programmer to create codes and codes that can be shared with others. The SDK has many different modules like Device Monitor, Device Configuration, Hardware Test and more. The module called “Hardware Test” allows the designer to test whether their device works with UPA-USB by connecting the programming cable and programmer to a computer and pressing the ‘Test” button. Synchronous protocol UPA- USB is compatible also with MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) but as of now only asynchronous protocol is supported. UPA-USB supports low cost devices such as those made by Adafruit. It supports the Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano and the Arduino Mega. It also supports 9-DOF (Degrees Of Freedom) devices such as those made by STM and BH1750.UPA-USB is compatible with both Windows and Mac OSX operating systems. The programmer is fairly easy to set up; there are only a few complications that may present such as Photoshop’s function of it getting automatically launched after install, XCode’s issues connecting via USB Device mode automatically connecting to the proper USB port, and some problems concerning malfunctioning lines on Logic Pro boards. The upa-usb device programmer v1.3 has been well received by many users and companies such as Adafruit, Arduino and Sparkfun Electronics. The company Upworks Technologies also sells other similar products such as the UPA-LINK USB2.0 extender and the UPA-GPIB USB to GPIB Bridge v1.3. The UPA-GPIB is a versatile programmable peripheral interface (PPI).
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