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The Highway Code is one of the most popular, well-known road safety guides published in the United Kingdom. It's arguably the most widely used compilation of traffic laws ever written, and has sold more than 15 million copies.This book provides novice drivers with instruction on risk-assessment, vehicle control, signalling and other topics related to safe motorcycling. The Highway Code NSW NSW/ACT ACT Motorcycle Aid for Learners is an essential guidebook for motorbike riders who are learning how to ride safely on today's roads. It contains the official information law enforcement officers will need to enforce the laws of NSW/ACT.Please note mailing address is changes with each release. Please also see the MAILING ADDRESS section in each product for more contributors.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States Department of Transportation has approved this book for use by highway traffic enforcement officers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Canada, Puerto Rico, Swains Island, Virgin Islands, and Guam. A similar book has been approved by Australia's Department of Transport. For each state or territory, the approved book differentiates between traffic laws for motorcycles and other vehicles. The Highway Code (UK) (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”) is a compendium of road traffic regulations, delineating the rules of the road in the United Kingdom. The Code was first published in 1959 by the Institute of Driver Training, an independent trade association of driving schools formed primarily to raise awareness of vehicle safety issues. Since 1974, the Code has been produced by an independent charitable trust supported mainly by driving schools.The Highway Code terms are generally accepted throughout Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In the rest of the UK, some local authorities may have their own definitions of priority seating. In Scotland, priority seating was first introduced as a national initiative in 1987 – however, provision is made for local authority interpretation of provision – and it is defined more widely by the Highway Code which applies throughout Great Britain and Northern Ireland.According to a survey carried out by Eason & Son/Apex Publications Ltd., a bookseller specialising in motor books, The Highway Code has been read by 5% of all motorists each year since its first publication. The Highway Code is also available in languages other than English.The Highway Code has been published in Korean since 1976, but the Ministry of Public Safety and Security has issued new road traffic laws that are different from the rules set out in The Highway Code. Because of this, The Highway Code is currently being revised to comply with new rules. A revised edition, containing new rules, is expected to be published by 2015.Each chapter may contain the following sections:
As well as some changes including introducing some amendments/clarifications to previous editions, there have been some significant changes listed below:Classes of speed zones are now indicated by numbers instead of letters (e.
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