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In today's digital gaming world, the number of games one can play has increased dramatically. If you know how to create and sell your own games and find your way around a complicated game engine, the sky is the limit. But if you don't feel like making it yourself, chances are there is some sort of community for gamers who share their work with others.rpgmakersaveedit (RPGMSE) is such a community that boasts over 11 million members on its website and around 3 million subscribers on its YouTube channel. Around this time, RMS community users were also sharing their works on individual forums. This was to quickly share rpgmaker games, create game mods and other content for others to play. Users would place screenshots of their works on the forum, discuss possible changes and find bugs within the game. Some users even made "mods", or modifications of rpgmaker games. These mods included different graphical elements, extra levels to play in the game, new music tracks for specific scenes and more.This goes back to when RPG Maker was first released by Keita Takahashi. Then, around 2008, video series and tutorials were created on how to make RPG games and sharing them on YouTube with their RPSH functions. When RPG Maker 2003 was released, it had a lot of features that made it popular among users. RPG Maker 2003 is similar to the original version of the program which was released in 2005. It is still used today due to its ease of use and powerful features such as character classes along with equipment, skills and magic attacks. It also provided the ability for users to create their own games and share them on forums or sites such as RPGMSE. In 2008, RMS users made a video on how to convert your RPGMSE games into standalone PC games using a program called RPG Maker XP. This tutorial was then posted to YouTube as well as the official RPG Maker website. As a result, many other users started converting their own RPGMSE games into standalone PC games and posting them on the website as well as uploading them to YouTube. The popularity of these videos led to a decline in original content being created for the site. Users began creating a larger number of tutorials and walkthroughs than game, leading most users focus on creating video game walkthroughs than RPG Maker game play themselves. In 2010, versions of RPG Maker 2000 were released. These versions had features that were not available in the other versions of the program. As a result, people started creating games using this new program. Although they used many of the same features as other versions, some new features specifically for 2000 being present were the ability to create your own "character classes", create AI scripts along with basic scripting systems usable by any kind of game. To help increase its popularity among users, special website were created for users to find games made by other users that are compatible with their rpgmaker2000 games.
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