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Give the gift of learning to kids this holiday season! Check out our blog post all about the best websites to learn something new, for ages 18-up. blog post will feature 37 of the most popular websites and apps available for adults and children alike to learn and grow at their own pace this holiday season. These sites cover a variety of topics from science and technology, art, language, math and more! From learning how to make hummus or build an app in node. js to learning new languages or how to work on an oil rig, these sites will inspire you to learn something new.We hope our winners will inspire you this holiday season!1. Edumagination : SkillShare: Udemy: https://www.udemy.com4. Codeacademy: Learn Python the Hard Way: http://hardwaydeveloperbookshopdownunder(dot)com/#!home 6 . Courses by Udemy: Khan Academy: MIT Open Courseware : 9 . Khan Academy: https://khanacademy(dot)org10 . Code School : http://www.codeschool(dot)com11 . Codecademy : https://codecademy(dot)com12 . Affinity Lab : http://www.affinitylab(dot)co(dot)uk13. : . Software Carpentry : http://software-carpentry(dot)org/ 15 . Codecademy: https://codecademy(dot)com16. Coursera : https://www.coursera(dot)org/learn/machine-learning?lang=en 17 . Udacity: https://www.udacity(dot)com 18 . learn Python the Hard Way: http://hardwaydeveloperbookshopdownunder(dot)com/#!home 19 . 20 . Udacity: https://www.udacity(dot)com 21 . Coursera : https://www.coursera(dot)org/learn/machine-learning?lang=en 22 . Courses by Udemy: https://www.udemy(dot)com/courses 23 . Stanford Open Source Lab: http://software-training-class-online(dot)com/programs_for_teachers_students_parents_and_homeschoolers_free 24 . Coursera : https://www.
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