Full [TOP] Kashf Ul Asrar Khomeini Urdu 20 Zip Torrent Book .mobi
The Islamic Revolution of Iran is the most important event in contemporary Iranian history; it changed the course of Iran and its relationship with the world. Although its origins date back to 1978, after a year of sporadic demonstrations and despite presidential rejection, the revolution only achieved its desired results on February 11, 1979 as then-President Vali-e Asr Muhammad Musavi Khomeini announced his fatwa against dictator Shah Reza Pahlavi leaving Ahmadinejad as president. As such, The Islamic Revolution has been a landmark for Iranians who have carried it on after Imam Khomeini's demise. The Islamic Revolution is considered as the beginning of the Islamic Republic of Iran.A key event in the Iranian Islamic Revolution was the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis. The crisis led to a temporary reversal of the Shah's policies, damaged the prestige of his government abroad, and reduced its authority at home.After coming to power in Iran following a popular revolution, Khomeini pursued a foreign policy based on ideological revolutionary principles whose main objective was to spread "Islamic revolution" from Iran throughout Iranian society and all Muslim countries. The Shah's reign was characterized by economic decay, social unrest and political upheavals throughout 1970s with numerous student riots in major cities. In addition, there was increasing dissatisfaction with corruption and mismanagement in governmental affairs. Iranians began to call for a constitutional monarchy as a way of restoring legitimacy and as an alternative to the Shah's rule. The opposition to the Pahlavi dynasty culminated in the February 1963 nationalization of the American and British oil companies. This had a big impact on the economy, which was mainly based on oil exports, because these companies were major customers of Iran's petroleum industry.In 1965, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi instituted two policies that further alienated his people from him: an increase of taxes and price controls on basic foodstuffs. These new taxes made it impossible for most people to afford meat or dairy products. In addition, he demanded that students sign loyalty oaths to him personally. These new measures were designed to strengthen his government, but "backfired spectacularly by producing a wave of sympathy for the opposition."The Shah hoped that the new measures would strengthen his regime and increase loyalty among young Iranians. Although he was wrong, he believed that only by expanding the base of support among rural populations could he build a truly national movement capable of restoring stability to Iran. At roughly this time, what became known as the Third World was emerging as an ideology roughly synonymous with decolonization. Although weak states had always been considered potential threats to their neighbors, it was not necessarily in their interests to court less powerful neighbors. By the mid-1960s, however, the experience of decolonization had made clear that weaker nations in a position to do so could—and sometimes did—try to foment revolution in more powerful states with which they were connected. In the case of Iran, this meant even relatively weak countries like Turkey and Iraq. In 1971, Iraq under Sunni President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr was brimming with "popular anger" against Shah Reza Pahlavi's government and was actively supporting a number of Iranian dissident movements. In 1973, when Iran's protests turned into massive demonstrations, a key force behind the protest was Iraq.
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