Rar Risala Al Imdad 6 Download Ebook .pdf __EXCLUSIVE__ Full Version
The risalas are concise expositions on doctrinal, legal, philosophical, or mystical themes. al-Ghazali composed the risalas for his students at Nizamiyya in Baghdad in order to summarize his teaching in a simple and entertaining manner. He wrote them in Persian so that they could be understood by his students there who had less knowledge of Arabic. There are more than two hundred remaining with around 120 having been translated into English. The Risala al-Imdad is one of the most popular works of Islamic spiritual literature for Shi'a Muslims - it is believed that Allah will answer any prayer made to him according to the contents of this work. In the book, al-Ghazali used the Persian word "Imdad" to describe this work. In Persian, Imdad renders the Arabic name of "Imitatio Dei" which is known as "Tafsir al-Imam". Some believe that it is possible that he may have had access to earlier versions of the work or that they were spread by students or friends of the author. It is believed that he wrote more than 120 works but only 60 are known today. There are translation issues in some cases where different versions exist for one particular translation.
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The Library of Congress cataloging-in-publication data is available.
Letters of friendship to Ibn Jamil al-Bahili (1185–1240) on the "risala al-imdad" and "asbab al-nuzul". "K. W. C." 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1894–1895. Two distinct editions, with some differences between them., see below. See also Jalalabad, Kashf ul-Bab wa al-'Uyun al-Athar 5/32 (London), 1971, pp. 8–40Letters of friendship to Ibn Jamil al-Bahili (1185–1240) on the "risala al-imdad" and "asbab al-nuzul". "K. W. C." 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1894–1895. Two distinct editions, with some differences between them., see below. See also Jalalabad, Kashf ul-Bab wa al-'Uyun al-Athar 5/32 (London), 1971, pp. 8–40"The Patriarchs' Reading Book – The Risalat al-Imdad", library.usc.edu, accessed 8 Aug 2015http://www.library.usc.edu/main/forms/dib/archives/pamphlets/pamphlet12811002.html
Ghayat al-Mustarshidin, "La'alat al-muqaddasa ba 'l-Kahira", by Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Dhuhaybani, ed. Ahmad Fadhlan (Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabi, 1984) pp 143–44 (first edition 1421 H.
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