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Process engineering bridges the gap between chemical and engineering disciplines. This course provides an introduction to process engineering and design, with a focus on fluid flows, compressible flows, and reactor design. The course introduces the principles of process engineering and design by using examples drawn from petroleum refining and petroleum cracking applications.
Process engineers typically work within the following three major categories:
Process engineering is not only about designing mechanical systems or chemical processes, but it can also be applied to distribution systems (pipe lines), water treatment (water purification), waste management (recycling of waste materials), etc. Therefore, process engineering is a broad discipline dealing with design of any system.
Architectural Engineering is the basic course for architecture students. The architecture students should have to take this course for basic knowledge on structure, material and structure engineering. This course also contains theory of construction and properties of different types materials studied in the field of Architecture. It covers basic concepts in Building Materials, Structure, Engineering Mathematics and Finite Element Methodology. This course is for engineering students who want to look ahead and prepare for the heavy engineering courses by understanding the basics in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. It covers basic concepts in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. The main goal of this course is to provide an overview of potential areas of future research and development in the field of Thermodynamics.Process engineering can be applied to any scale big or small, ranging from biochemical processes through to large power plants and industrial manufacturing. Today's process engineers work with sophisticated software that allows them detailed control over limits (temperatures, pressures) and speeds (rate of flow). Computer aided design (CAD) systems facilitate efficient production line planning. These systems can be used both within the process engineer's office and in virtual reality, where the process engineer can walk through an existing or future plant (and simulate) to see how it works.Process engineering is a side industry in itself, but many competitors provide software rather than doing the design themselves. Many of these compete for government contracts by providing better designs at lower cost or higher efficiency than their competitors. One example is "Process Engineer" which offers free PC-based software.Since 1969, ASME has published joint standards on process engineering for chemical engineering and mechanical engineers with specific focus on piping in crude oil refinery systems. ASME committees are the standards-setting bodies for process engineering. These include "NACE Welding Subcommittee", "Engineer's Manhole Committee", "Drainage Committee", "Standardized Methods Committee", and the Industrial Ventilation Committee.The following are some of the major field of process engineering:
Process engineers typically work within the following three major categories:
Process engineering is not only about designing mechanical systems or chemical processes, but it can also be applied to distribution systems (pipe lines), water treatment (water purification), waste management (recycling of waste materials), etc. Therefore, process engineering is a broad discipline dealing with design of any system.
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