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Biblia Narrada Por Cid Moreira - Colecao Completa 36 Subtitles Free [BETTER] Movie Torrents Dvd

2021.11.12 04:57

"I was happy when they saw me, for I knew that I had come because the king knew me. "Oh, my friend," said he, "God has given you courage and strength! The king has given orders that some one should go to seek thee in the mountains." The Bible - The Proverbs of Solomon 3:7This is a collection of some Holy Scripture by Cid Moreira made in Portugal which was recorded between 1928-1930. This collection consists of 36 CDs with more than 2400 tracks. It is an entire database on CD format with translations into 17 different languages. It can be used for multiple purposes such as listening to the music or reading the scripture. With this collection it is also possible to search, find and extract the scripture in several different formats.Mr. Moreira was born in Lisbon, Portugal on May 6th 1896. He was the son of a Capuchin monk who lived in the monastery near the Cascais (Portugal). Cid Moreira never went to school he started learning when he was still young. He learned how to read and write under his father's guidance. When he was 9 years old he mentioned that he started translating songs into English using his sister as an interpreter between Portuguese and English languages. Cid Moreira was the first to record the Bible in Portuguese with his collection of 36 CDs which became an immediate success. He also translated some of the Holy Scripture into modern language such as São Tiago de Assis (St. Thomas), St. Jerome, St. Augustine and others.He created a new technique where he recorded several voices at the same time and with different languages and that is why you can hear many varied kind of voices and it feels like you are there and at that same moment hearing everything happening. In this method several people will be reading the same chapter at the same time, so it is like hearing a choir, the effect is to create music. This technique he used in all his recordings.Another interesting fact about Cid Moreira's recordings is that they are done without any editing or correction of any kind. The quality of his recordings was so perfect that to this day they are used as reference recordings. By this point Cid Moreira already had performed 22 operas which were recorded between 1927-1929 and then produced in Phonogram studios located in Lisbon, Portugal. This recording period was very active and productive in the field of music. He recorded songs for gramophone records, radio and television. His musical talents were recognized by the Queen Dona Maria II in 1931, which awarded a medal to him. At a later time that same year, he joined the international organization Sociedade Esportiva e Recreativa Júlio Verne.


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