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I have no idea what this is. Can someone please help? Thank you!- kjacksonjohnson2222222Sorry for the delay, I was just informed that this movie doesn't exist. It looks like they were trying to post some kind of link but used a space instead of an underscore. Is there anything else you needed help with today? Let me know and I'll be happy to answer your questions. Thanks for taking the time to let us know what happened! :)
John: What's up with your blog? Jamie: Oh, uh... *fiddles with her hands* heh... It's, uh, nothing. I just decided to put up a blog because I don't have one on here. It was last year that I made my first post on this site, but I never got into the habit of posting regularly to it. John: But why not? Jamie: Well... Because uh... *fiddles with her hands again* ... Because it doesn't matter if I post or not. John: You're right! Jamie: Anyway... What do you want from me? Why did you come over here today? John: Well, I thought we were going out for dinner sometime soon. Jamie: Yeah, well... You didn't give me a lot of notice. *fiddles with her hands again* ... I can't make it tonight. John: Why not? Jamie: Because I, uh... *fiddles with her hands again* ... I've got something to do.- Goodgirl4evr
John: Ok, so who are you really? Ian: What do you mean? John: You look like somebody else. And you don't sound like yourself either. Ian: Well, what's wrong with this? John: Nothing's wrong with it. It just doesn't seem like you. Ian: Well, what's yours? John: Myself. Ian: No way! I know you're lying. I think you just need a change of scenery. You'll feel better when you come back here as my replacement. John: Just my luck... - Movie Reviews
John: How about we go out to dinner tonight? Jamie: Well... John: I saved up and didn't order anything for my food so we can eat wherever and whenever we want. What do you say? Jamie: Be-be careful! You sound like that guy from Saved By the Bell! *fiddles with her hands* ... I can't. I promised Ali I'd go to the theater with him tonight. John: Well, you can still see him then. You don't have to if you don't want to though. Jamie: No...I'm not going out with him after school tomorrow for an hour of studying... *pouts* is that all you care about?John: I care about more than that! Jamie: Well, I'm still flattered by your affections, but I've got to go now. *pouts* Bye! *hugs John* John: See you in school tomorrow.
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