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Look, you’re sitting in a room full of people and your job is to play a slot machine. The number on the slot machine says $1,000 and you’re playing for the next 30 seconds. You know that regardless of what happens on that next gamble, regardless of whether it pays out or not, regardless of anything that happens during those 30 seconds - your payoff will be $3000/30= $15 per second.Yup - here's the deal: you hit this button if you want to stop playing right now and receive your money as promisedOk, do it! Your payout will be $30000! Woo Hoo!So how did he cheat? Well... You see this: this button:It’s a red STOP button. You hit it and you stop playing and every second of the time you’re on your slot machine is forfeit. But here’s the can press that little STOP button 38 times in a row and STILL win $300000! Yes, you read that right: he won $30,000 x 30 seconds = $900 per second - even though he never had more than $15 available to play, even though he stopped playing 38 times in a row. Magical freakin math. So to his mind, pressing that button 38 times in a row, losing $30,000 you already gave up was totally worth it. Because he’d already won $15 bucks in the game. It’s crazy. But to him it was worth it.And here's the thing: anything is worth it in the moment when you decide to do it at all, because you could die tomorrow and all your dreams will be over anyway so if this is the only time your going to have a chance at whatever dreams or whatever future may lay ahead of you – you might as well enjoy it while you can if only for a second before everything comes crashing down around you –And so on... And you’re going to learn all kinds of stuff. Like why many people invest almost all of their money in a casino complex and try to win as much as possible. But they only play the machines which pay out over a certain percentage. Why? So they never have to take a loss, ever – because even if they lose by sometimes thousands or millions of dollars – that's okay, because that's just how it is. The casino gives them the money back. And then they can keep playing and spending away at their slot machine addiction – never having to “lose” - just “gambling”. But I’ll tell you this: for casino owners, slot machines are a joke. They know you’re going to lose eventually. And they want to make sure that they make their money before you do. So they make it as easy as possible for you to lose because if they don’t – the owner doesn't make a dime. One casino even offered a promotion where if you play enough times and lose enough money – they will buy your house from you.
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