Ibm superc manual
isrsupc utility in jcl
superc compare columnsisrsupc parameters
isrsupc batch options
cmpcolm example
All the fields on this panel are explained in the ISPF Libraries and Data Sets topic of the z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol I, except:. Option P on either the SuperCE Utility panel or the Search-ForE Utility panel provides one or more panels from which you can select process options. Figure 1 shows simplified z/OS JCL to run the SuperC Search. by numbers (such as 1 ) as described in the instructions following the example listing.The SuperCE utility (option 3.13) is a dialog that uses the SuperC program to compare data sets of unlimited size and record length at the file, line, word, Output data definitions that you can use to give the printer additional instructions, such as an output destination that is not defined by a SYSOUT class. For more information about using patterns, see the "ISPF Libraries and Data Sets" topic of the z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol I. For example: PDS Member List . The SuperC utility (option 3.12) is a dialog that uses the SuperC program to compare data sets of unlimited size and record length at the file, line, word, SuperC z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol II SC19-3628-00. The SuperC action bar choice gives you access to SuperC compare and search dialogs for your data sets. This example shows a SuperC compare JCL sequence: //COMPARE EXEC PGM=ISRSUPC,PARM=('LINECMP,CHNGL,UPDCNTL') //STEPLIB DD DSN=ISPF.LOAD,DISP=SHR //NEWDD DD ISPF contains two utilities, SuperC (option 3.12) and SuperCE (option 3.13), that allow you to compare data sets for differences. Also, ISPF contains two other
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