Classification of instructions
classification of instruction in 8085
five categories of 8085 instructions
list the four categories of 8085 instructions that manipulate dataclassification of instruction set of 8051
classification of instruction in computer architecture
list of instruction is classified as
classification of instruction in microprocessor
instruction jnc would be classified under
Classification of Instruction Set of 8085: · 1.Data Transfer Operations: · 2.Arithmetic Operations: · 3.Logical Operations: · 4.Branching Operations: · 5.Stack, Classification of instructions · 1. Data transfer (copy) group. · 2. Arithmetic group · 3. Logic group · 4. Branch control group · 5. Machine control and I/O group. One byte Instructions: These instructions are of one byte in size and hence occupy one memory location in RAM. · Two Byte Instruction: These instructions of twoClassification of instructions, Comparison, Instruction formats, Memory accesses, Code size, Summary, Immediate Addressing Mode are topics professor
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