Ameba Ownd




2021.11.14 14:48

There is an English translation as below, This blog refers to my way of thinking and my belief

thank you very much

陰性だったので短縮されました。この検疫所が推奨しているアプリ「my SOS」ですが、ほんとストレスでした。なにがストレスって、このアプリを通じに電話が毎日きます。

折り返しの電話ができないのです。しかも「my SOS」アプリをいれると同時にグーグルマップが軌道し、どこにいるかわかるような仕組みになっていました。


On the 10day of my self isolation, I went to the PCR test near my neighborhood. The result was Negative, It made my relief, Supposed to be, I had a 14 days of self isolation, but it was reduced to 10days due to the negative result of PCR. During my self isolation, I was told to install application of "my SOS" This applications was so stressful and it honestly drove me crazy. 

AI or sometimes an operator which was hired by the quarantine office called me every single day whether I am in a house which was registered. Then. they asked me to shoot the place through the mobile phone cameras. it looked weird to me. Furthermore, if I could not answer the phone call, there was warning messages and it said if you do not follow a rule of the self isolation, your name would be appeared in the public. Furthermore, the quarantine office insist we also install the google map together. 

Its so disgusting to know the quarantine office knew every single details where I was. I feel as If I were a criminal searching by the quarantine. It was shocking to know I was in the under surveillance. I really wonder if our human rights will be protects or not. because there is no privacy at all. I do feel  that every corona business around the world is really SHADY.

In the UK, while I was in the same isolation, they would NOT have the system like in Japan. Just an policeman who hired by the NHS visited house unexpectedly to check the person who were truly isolated. When Japan become a monitored society like China?

This is a ample of my SOS application

Here is a sample how we received a phone call from the quarantine office.
