popcornflix Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Watch HD Full Movie Online Free
Liked it - 1073727 votes;
writer - Lawrence Kasdan;
Harrison Ford;
runtime - 124 M;
Directed by - Irvin Kershner
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{Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back} ENGLISH FULL MOVIE.
I used to think that Return Of The Jedi was the best out of the original 3, and The Empire Strikes Back was the worst, but that was when I was a kid. Since then, I have grown up a bit more now and watched the 3 all over again. I now believe that Empire is clearly the best of the 3. Why is that? Because of the following things. 1. Best Plot out of the three and it shows you that it doesn't all come down to special effects. 2. The movie is very dark, revealing and more importantly it's realistic that the bad guys actually how many movies out there do u see the bad guys win? The trouble with other movies is they are so predictable in that you know what will happen. In Empire you don't. 3. Best acting by the cast out of the three. 4. The soundtrack, the best music score I have ever heard. It adds a lot to the movie. 5. Irvin Kershner did a fantastic job of directing, I wish George Lucas brought him back for episodes 2 and 3. The scenes with Luke in the cave was Brilliant. The Battle Of Hoth was great, but I really enjoyed the scenes on Dagobah with Yoda and Luke. Yoda telling us about the force and the brilliant ending. This movies is 5/5 stars and my favourite movie off all time In conclusion I wish George Lucas would watch TESB again and realise the prequels should be done the way empire was done. The Phantom Menace was above average but it is nowhere near as good as Empire and the WORST out of the 4.
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In my opinion this is not only better than the first film or the fourth whatever but it is the best in the entire franchise. I loved it from the first minute until the last, I love star wars even since I was about 4 years old and I used to hate this movie but when I watch it now it's just amazing. Also in this film great Star Wars characters make their debut with the likes of Yoda and Orlnado Calrizion (if that is how you spell it and I can't remember if it is Orlando and Lando so excuse me if I got it wrong.)
This film starred Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford & Carrie Fisher
I highly recommend this film to all you sci-fi fans
. not outstanding but very good.
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