Kromski minstrel instructions
Larger than the Kromski Mazurka, The Minstrel has stronger, bolder lines and a larger base If you have any difficulty in understanding the instructions, First, thanks for choosing the Kromski Minstrel. your wheel but we ask that you read these instructions as we may have updated or otherwise cor-. Kromski Minstrel Assembly Instructions Important Notice If you have any difficulty in understanding these instructions, assembling the wheel, Kromski make a range of elegant spinning wheels, looms and accessories for Spinners and Weavers. Combining traditional craftsmanship with modern style. Kromski Minstrel. Assembly Instructions. Important Notice. If you have any difficulty in understanding these instructions, as- sembling the wheel, or having The upright Kromski Minstrel spinning wheel helps you spin more yarn with it's comfortable double treadle and easy to change large bobbin.
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