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2021.11.16 13:40

Post-Truth. Lee McIntyre


ISBN: 9780262535045 | 240 pages | 6 Mb
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Is curiosity a casualty of the post-truth era? | The Japan Times “Post-truth” has become a hot topic for researchers from a variety of fields, including Nobel Prize-winning chemists: The annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany this summer took as a theme “Science in a Post-Truth Era.” Skeptics have long studied why people wrongly believe in astrology, ESP  Is this really a post-truth world? | Julian Baggini | Life and style | The The truth used to be plain and simple. Just because it's now complex doesn't mean it's false, argues Julian Baggini. | Post-Truth, Matthew D'Ancona | 9781785036873 | Boeken Post-Truth Paperback. Welcome to the Post-Truth era— a time in which the art of the lie is shaking the very foundations of democracy and the world as we know it. The Brexit vote; Donald Trump's victory; the rejection of climate change sc The academic roots of post-truth society – Battle of Ideas 2018 It has almost become a cliché to note that we seem to be living in a new age ofpost-truth, or post-factual politics. Liberal critics and academics in particular blame right-wing politicians for disparaging the importance of evidence and expertise, and for stirring up emotions rather than appealing to rationality. Michael Gove's  Politics, Fake News and the Post-Truth Era - University of Bath The IPR's 2017 symposium Politics, Fake News and the Post-Truth Era will examine public policy and politics in the current age of disruption.

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