Big generator unturned
2021.11.18 11:56

Find the Unturned item ID for Industrial Generator. Electricity generator covering a large radius powered by fuel. The generator has a radius four times the size of the Portable Generator, making it significantly more space efficient by comparison. Its large fuel capacity. An updated list of item IDs for all generators in Unturned. Generators in Unturned are used to generate electricity. This electricity is transferred to. Unturned Generator ID List. A complete, updated list of all Unturned generator IDs. Generators in Unturned are used to generate electricity. This electricity is transferred to nearby objects and structures that require power. All Unturned Item IDs. Ark ID List Minecraft ID List Stardew Valley ID List Subnautica ID List. Sort by bltadwin.rug: big generator. The Industrial Generator is a generator in Unturned 3. It is the larger and more effective version of the Portable Generator. Overview: Once turned on, it will emit a continuous sound and provide electricity in a very large radius to anything that requires electricity, such as Spotlights and interactable objects. Unturned Item Ids. Unturned Items is a complete, searchable list of all current item IDs, weapon IDs, vehicle IDs, and helicopter IDs in Unturned. This site is actively maintained and updated with all new item IDs every bltadwin.rug: big generator.