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The Story of Camelot is the story of King Arthur, who has been searching for his one true love and the answer to a riddle that can heal his ailing kingdom. Uther Pendragon, the father of Arthur, had fallen ill and he knew he could not continue to rule with an ailing heart. So in a momentous decision, Uther announced that his son would take up the throne when he became king. Unfortunately for this young man from common stock, his best friend advice led him astray when he found from Guinevere from afar which ultimately lead to their forbidden romance. By the time Uther discovered the forbidden love between his son and his wife, he had already handed over his throne to Merlin who was able to reverse Arthur's spell so that Uther would live for many more years. Unfortunately, the magic of Camelot had also hid some of its darkest secrets from Arthur which almost cost him his life.The Story of Camelot is a sweeping epic drama, irrevocably linked with our modern world. The high tech television adaptation of this timeless story brings it alive with incredible special effects and stunning cinematography. Set in the sixth century AD, it tells the dramatic story of King Arthur, who is on a quest for truth and peace. He sees the power of the sacred sword Excalibur in both his condemned enemy, evil magician Merlin, but also in his friend and the future king, the young prince Mordred. The Story of Camelot was produced by David H. Friedman and shot throughout Scotland. Officially filmed on location at both Camelot and Eltham castles in southwest London, Kew Gardens where King Arthur's court is crowned with the White Ladies; Cardiff Castle; West Wycombe; Alnwick; Carlisle; Dunstanburgh Castle (to represent Northumbria); Whitby Abbey (a British production) and Edinburgh's Holyrood Palace (the legendary abode of Scottish Kings). It was first aired on October 4, 1998 and gathered a lot of attention which caused it to be premiered soon after on The History Channel on October 27, 1998.The Story of Camelot is a powerful tale that changes with each retelling. Many versions of the Arthurian legend that we see today contain almost no resemblance to the image of the romantic hero portrayed in "Camelot". There are many versions about Arthur's adventures. But in this version, he is in search for the Holy Grail after finding it using Excalibur. Some people say that in place of King Arthur there is actually Jesus Christ in this story when you think about it. The Story of Camelot (TV Series) at IMDbOnline Film Database - The Story of Camelot at Wikipedia.comOnline Film Database - The Story of Camelot at Rotten
2011 TV Guide Special Edition - "Camelot" was released in a special edition in October, 2001 by the American magazine TV Guide. In 2007, "The Story of Camelot" was released on-line from the BBC website. It contains a full cast list, synopsis and much more about the television series "The Story of Camelot". In 2010 the BBC finally put the entire series on line with a new production company.Download Camelot Season 1 Torrents KickassTorrents
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