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Carport Diagnose Vollversion Crack

If your carport is sagging from too many years of wear and tear, you don't need to live with it. That's why we're going to show you how to diagnose these common garage problems and then point out the best things to do next.For starters, if your carport sags or dips in the center, it's likely a sign that your posts were not installed deep enough into the ground. There may also be posts that are leaning outward from the center by a couple of inches or more because they didn't set right when placed in the hole. Whatever the case may be, let's take a look at the sagging center of your carport and how to fix it.When you inspect your newly constructed carport, make a note to check the condition of any nearby posts. On a particular morning after you've completed your work, while standing next to one of the posts while getting in your car, you'll notice that one side is noticeably lower than the other. In fact, it may only be a few inches lower.If this happens on just one post, put some planks parallel to each other across both sides of that post and compare the heights from where they meet in front to where they meet in back. If the front is lower than the back, it means that the post was not installed deep enough in the ground. This is a very common problem and can be fixed in just a few minutes.The best way to correct this problem is to dig down and remove some of the soil around that post. You will need to dig down and remove about 3" of soil from around it. Dig 2" wider than the post at its base and about 6" out all around it so you can plant your posts deeply in the ground.Once you've dug your hole, add about 3" of gravel or crushed stone before filling with soil to compensate for what you already dug out. Next, set the posts back in the ground and tamp them down well. The posts should be about 6" in the ground when finished.If your post is leaning outward from the center, you need to dig down around it in order to remove any additional soil that is making it lean. You want to dig out the dirt either way it leans without making it too uneven or tilting in either direction. It should stay straight up when you are finished.After digging your hole, add gravel or stone to both sides of where your post will go to keep soil from coming back when you try to set it back in place. Fill your hole with soil and set the post back in place. If it's leaning, you may need to adjust the post's position back away from the center before tamping down on each side of it.Finally, if your posts are leaning outward more than a couple of inches, you will need to dig out an additional 2" around each post. That extra 2" will put the posts into the ground at least 6" farther into the ground then they were originally.After digging your extra two inches of soil around each post, set them back in place and tamp them down well. Then fill in your holes with crushed stone or gravel to keep any dirt from coming back later on.


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