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Main Aur Charles Movie In Hindi Download 720p Hd
Charles was a six-year old boy who lived with his father in an English village. He had a younger sister, Jane, who had been born four years ago. Charles’s dad ran a shop where the villagers bought their bread from. One day, he opened the shop to find that it has been ransacked and all of his stock and money has been stolen by thieves. His dad came back home and told Charles that they need to start looking for the thieves. Charles then said that he knows where they were and would help his father bring back all of their stuff.Charles found them at a local pub where they were drinking and carousing with the villagers. The villagers had been drinking too much and were not thinking straight anymore. Charles went up to them and started asking questions about what happened, but none of the villagers knew anything about the robbery or how it was done. The villagers blamed one of their own who was out riding with some friends, but nobody knew where they were. Charles then asked them to prove that they were there at the time of the robbery. The villagers knew they were not telling him a lie and they decided that they had to tell him some sort of story to make Charles go away. They told him that one of their men was out riding with them on his bike but he had gone astray and was nowhere in sight. Charles was satisfied with this story, as he knew the villagers would do anything to protect their reputations as good, law abiding citizens. The villagers then realized that it was too late and that he would soon find out who did this if they did not hide their criminal activities from him. They decided to pretend like nothing had happened and buy some more alcohol. Charles was impressed at their ability to deceive him as he still looked as if nothing had happened. The villagers then took turns to tell Charles stories about themselves, but none of their stories seemed very believable. They then decided that they would have to think of a story that they could all agree upon and stick with it until Charles left. Charles decided that he must take a walk outside and clear his head, but his dad told him it was too dangerous because the thieves were out there somewhere thinking that they might make another raid soon. Charles did not care about this and left his dad behind to sleep in the shop alone while he walked outside the village. The villagers agreed that they should each tell Charles a different story so that Charles could not find out who was telling him what.Charles decided to go to the barn where they keep the old cart. He wanted to see if there were any old abandoned carts around there. He went inside and started looking for one when he saw a cart with an old rusted wheel attached to it. When he tried to move it, it did not go very far before becoming stuck in the mud. Charles then noticed something glisten near the wheel, but was unsure of what it was.
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