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Crysis 2 English.pak 90
The Crysis 2 English.pak is a mod for Crysis 2 created by The Dark Mod. It attempts to restore the game's original voice acting, while still including dubbed versions of all the actors in both languages, with optional subtitles in either language. Players can install it by placing it inside their "Mods" folder within Crysis2\\Game\\upsrv_b1b\\\\ folder (both languages are available). There are also many other mods that can be used with this one, such as custom mission packs and equipment upgrades.We hope you found this article informative! If you're interested to know more about our other blog posts, head on over to http://www. gamepoems.com/blog/. Are there any other modding projects you'd like to see featured here? Leave us a comment below!Thank you for reading. If you found this article helpful, don't forget to share it on your favorite social media site.Written by the GamePoems Editorial Team: Hyper_Ridley, Mothrayas & PunishedSnake. Twitter: @GamePoemsTeam / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gamepoems / Donate: http://www.patreon.com/gamepoemsThis blog post was revised on December 16th, 2016 for GamePoems' 10th anniversary (2008 - 2018). If you would like to read the original article, head over to http://www.gamepoems.com/blog/. All images and videos provided in this blog post were taken from Crysis 2 which remains unchanged with previous revisions of this article.This is a summary of all major changes from previous revisions of this blog post (2008 - 2018).1st Revision (8th - 12th January 2008): Original Post on 13th December 2007: Written by Hyper_Ridley & Richie Branson, with some help from PunishedSnake & Brian Mitchell on the former's C2 wiki and on the latter's Private Forum (both as "C2 Webmaster"). 2nd Revision (17th - 19th January 2009): Minor edits to the original content, including a complete rewrite of the first draft of this blog post.3rd Revision (26th November 2009): Original Post on May 5, 2008 moved from GamePoems to Good Old Games.4th Revision (8th – 12th January 2010): Reformatting done to current style, including a complete rewrite of the article and all references/links/images/videos as well as the blog post header image and its description. The old text was edited for accuracy and readability. Many references were added, along with their respective links and images, as well as videos where applicable. Lastly, the article was re-published on GamePoems.5th Revision (14th – 17th January 2013): Old article re-posted with minor updates and new images/video. New images were added to reflect changes made by Crytek to the PC version of the game since previous revisions of this blog post. A new video was added as well, which had been missing from previous revisions of the blog post.6th Revision (8th – 12th April 2017): Complete rewrite of the original revision (including its description) with accurate information regarding The Dark Mod's progress in porting Crysis 2 over to its mod format.
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