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If you're a fan of words and numbers, but not so much pictures, this free and legal download is for you. It's a novel written in Indonesian and it's perfect for someone who doesn't know any Indonesian at all. The novels tells the story of two twin girls, Rina and Suzana. The one problem? One day when they were small enough to fit in suitcases—toddlers, really—they were kidnapped from their homes by what could only be an evil magician. The twins were trapped in a book and the only way out was for one of them to come up with a book to read so they can learn how to write. But there's a problem: the only thing the girls know how to write is something completely different... The novel will take you through Rina and Suzana's adventures as they climb, swim, hide, fight monsters but mostly find out who they are inside.This is an Indonesian novel about two best friends named Rina and Suzana, the two sons of the Sultan of Mataram in Indonesia. The story begins with them being kidnapped by a magician and taken to a secret place in a book, where they must read and write in order to escape and return home. However, instead of writing the tale of their lives, the twins accidentally begin writing about their own travels in foreign lands.
The book is an Indonesian novel that tells the story of two best friends named Rina and Suzana. They are the sons of Sultan Mataram (Sultan Agung) who is the king of Mataram (Mataram) who live in Java. The story begins with them being kidnapped by a magician and taken to a secret place in a book where they must read and write in order to escape. However, instead of writing about their own adventures, the twins accidentally begin writing about their own travels in foreign lands.The author of this story is R. Sagita, she is an Indonesian writer who has written many famous novels so far. Many people would like to know more about her because she writes very interesting stories and novels. As a result, the book was published in the year 2016 and it is available for free download on our website. It's a very interesting novel that everyone should read. Yours,Yours,Yours,Yours.
"A Kiss Is Just A Kiss" is a 2010 Indonesian film directed by Lipnjak Maimunah. The film stars Agnes Monica, Ambar Simbolon and Anggraini. It was shot in Jakarta and Lombok with a budget of Rp2 billion. The movie is based on a 1998 novel "Kiss me Baby!" by Mia Qunita. It is a coming-of-age story about the author/narrator who falls in love with an older woman from her school's elite class.
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