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El Simbolismo Del Cuerpo Humano Annick De Souzenelle Pdf
The human body is a symbol of the original unity and balance between spirit and instinct, between mind and nature. Its form has been created by millions of years of evolution, resulting in a "bodily symphony", the harmonious aspects of which we recognize in our own body.
It is easy to feel wonders while examining this work. This encyclopedia gradually unveils the structure and functioning of the physical organism: it reveals its secret life, its treasures and its power; it shows how our organism is capable not merely (as everyone thinks) of self-preservation but also -through our lifestyle- becomes an active agent for good or ill.
This book is not a mere catalog of facts, but a veritable text which represents a living experience.
In the wake of its publication in France, this work has been acclaimed by experts from all fields. It describes an entirely new method for understanding our body and its potential for spiritual growth. This method offers a way to tap the sources of well-being and healthful longevity, in a world where everyone is looking for ways to improve their lives.
People feel ill at ease when they have no balance in their life, even though they might have everything they lack thanks to their diet and lifestyle forms which deprive them from reaching optimum health.
The body is often viewed as a complex machine which is to be controlled rather than an instrument for spiritual growth. And yet it carries within itself all the raw materials needed for spiritual progress; it is capable of absorbing the life force that transforms man into a spiritual being. And this author shows that, despite its apparent complexity, the body is not designed like a machine or an object to be controlled, but like an instrument of symbolic evolution through which man can re-live his own biological cycle.
Every once in a while one finds people who are so sure about their methods of healing treatment that they believe they could even heal others without any training or experience whatsoever. The author of this work, who is a direct witness to the application of its theories, insists that the only way to successfully apply this method is through personal experience.
That is why he recommends that potential students learn anatomy and physiology, practice yoga and meditation, get in touch with nature and learn to meditate on their own physical organism before attempting to apply this system; the results of which are always positive if it is practiced regularly. It will help them understand more easily, their problems or get in line with their own fate.
Violence is another problem caused by lack of balance within our mind, since an unbalanced state makes us incapable of distinguishing between what is good or bad for us. And it is obvious that this would make you less balanced and cause problems in your whole life, which will show up as physical, mental or spiritual problems. When we are ill or unhappy, we tend to look for the causes of the problem outside of the body. But according to this author, our body can reveal us all the answers we need.
Annik de Souzenelle writes that to reach harmony in life you should educate your mind and senses with respect to each other; always keep them balanced; try not to let one overwhelm other; try to reach a state of perfect balance, say an even keel which is fundamental to reach optimum health. This is attained when all parts of man's being are imperfectly balanced.
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