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3dr Radio Config Software Download
The 3DR radio config software download is a web-based application designed to configure the configuration of a 3DR radio. It is used to configure the settings on the WiFi, GPS, and other network interfaces that can be accessed by other people in your airplane. The application utilises a web interface to allow access from any device, even without an internet connection. With this software it allows for easy customization of the radios settings while not being remotely accessible from outside sources. This means capable pilots will have greater flexibility with their configuration options and more power over their flight experience.The app allow you to monitor changes in real time so that you don't have to worry about changing anything manually again later on if something doesn't work out as expected. The application allows people with a common WiFi connection to change the settings on the radios. This means that you can have a small group of people in your plane that can manage all of the radios configurations on the plane. This makes the airplane more flexible and enables you to expand your flight experiences.The app has been designed to be used by multiple people on different devices at once so that they can add each other on their own or be part of a larger group owned by one person.The web interface displays the radios current settings and allows you to easily adjust them using a simple, intuitive interface. The application supports the following radio models:If you have a problem with one of the radios or just want to have a general overview of the current settings, you can go to the aircraft chart and get a quick overview of the radios currently configured state. The aircraft chart allows you to immediately see what is configured on each radio and for quick access to the main functions on each radio.the app allows for customized settings for each radio including: The web interface has been designed in such a way that it is usable without an internet connection, however if you do lose your internet connection there is an option to download any changes made. The app has been developed by the Danish company COPilot A/S.The application is free to download, however if you want to use the 3DR radio config software download in different aircraft models you need to buy a license. The license applies to each radio model separately and allows you to make settings changes on each radio without having an internet connection at all times. A valid license is needed for every single radio model used in your aircraft. The development of this 3DR radio software was made possible by the support of the Norwegian Armed Forces through their organisation Norad. In 2014 COPilot won the award "Innovation of the year" from Innovation Norway for their work on this software. The award was presented to CEO of COPilot, Erik Eriksen, at the annual conference of Innovation Norway in Trondheim.
http://copilot.com/en/products-services/3dr-radio-config-software-download/ http://www.norad.
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