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simpconchewa's Ownd

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2021.11.18 23:55



I don't know anything about this topic, please help.This question has been asked many times before and solved many times before. A simple Google search would have been useful to those reading this article. How-to articles are not supposed to be questions with a request for help in the introduction. These articles are supposed to be actual how-to articles, not requests for information on how to do things that have already been written about many times before by other people who took the time and effort to create the content that is being requested here. If you need a hand with a specific problem, please post a new question instead of posting it as an answer here. The requested information is below.I know the topic is very popular ,maybe I'm not good enough for this kind of question, but I would like to know more about this topic.

The general idea is that by using series you can approximate functions to arbitrary accuracy. You work out the Taylor series for a function around a point and then, if you want to find how it behaves far away from that point, you can just plug in other values for x and keep on adding up the terms of the Taylor series. This approach works well with polynomials or trigonometric functions, which are nice because they have Taylor series that are easy to work out. It also works less well with other kinds of functions. For example, if you want to know what the area of a rectangle is, you could approximate it with a straight line, which will work well most of the time, but when the fine details of the rectangle matter then it is better to actually calculate the area. You can use Taylor's theorem to see that this really is true in discrete math. That is to say, when you are working with discrete parameters, approximating is usually better than calculating. This fact is sometimes called "the curse of dimensionality".One last thing I need to do in order for this article is update my articles on limits and infinite limits so I can qualify them for this article since they were not specifically addressed in the question. I have a link to a page here on wikipedia for infinite limits.I have another link for a page here on limits which I might update later.The fact that you cannot find a formula for the area of a rectangle has been considered about equal to the fact that there are circles in the universe, but it is much less common to talk about it being as important as circles, so this article will not be as long as I imagined. This article is part of what I hope will be a comprehensive series on infinitesimals. In this series I will describe how we can make infinitesimals play an important role in calculus and other applications by using power series and infinite sums. To start this article off, I am going to show how to find the area of a rectangle by drawing on the same page two rectangles of equal area. One rectangle will be about 10 units long and 10 units wide, and the other will be about 20 units long and 20 units wide. I will draw them both very carefully so that they fit within my bounds on this article.This is the first rectangle with sides 10 and 10, shown in blue.This is the second rectangle with sides 20 and 20, shown in green.


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