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Aimsun CrackThe AIMSUN Company was established in 2009 and is based out of Dalian, China. The Company provides and develops software and hardware products for the construction industry. The AIMSUN company has been awarded the Certificate of Ministry's Award for Innovation from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2012. In 2015, the company was ranked the 3rd top developer by China Appstore for iOS apps. In 2016, they were ranked 100th out of 500 companies on Forbes' list "China's Most Valuable Brands". The company's headquarters are located in Dalian, Northeast China. The company was established in 2009 and is headed by Qiu Jianfang, an engineering graduate from Dalian University of Technology. The company has production bases located in Dalian, Liaoning Province, which are designed for the Chinese market. The United States-based company consulted by AIMSUN provides engineering services for the creation of machine tools.The AIMSUN Company produces a variety of hardware and software products that are used for the construction industry. The AIMSUN Company's iOS software has received high praise from users around the world. The AIMSUN Company's hardware is used in the construction industry and includes drilling machines, cutting machines, and tractors. The AIMSUN Company provides software solutions for the construction industry. The AIMSUN Company offers a suite of solutions that provide users access to design for less for their projects and equipment maintenance and management tools. AIMSUN has developed a variety of applications that can be found in various business sectors nationwide.The program is compatible with tablets, desktops, mobile phones mobile devices, including Android devices iPhone / iPhone 5 / iPhone 5s /iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus/iPhone 6s/iPhone 6s Plusand iPad Air2 . This program helps the user to maximize the use of mobile devices or laptops. Allowing users to design or re-design their own projects, use the AIMSUN Company's mobile App to get instant feedback on measurement results.This program helps users to get an idea of their internal costs, so that they can avoid mistakes when ordering materials and parts. Users can quickly measure at any time with this program. The AIMSUN Company has released its latest product which is known as “AIMSUN Contractor” for iPhone and iPad . It allows users to record data in real time during construction or renovation projects. The programs are available for Android phones and tablets
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