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Diablo 3 Save Editor Ps3 Download
Diablo 3 Save Editor Psn DownloadThere are many things that I enjoy about "Diablo 3" which is one of the best games released in recent years. The gameplay, graphics, sound effects are all top notch, the atmosphere is amazing and it has an awesome community. The only disappointing feature for me was the lack of a proper save editor so players can create multiple characters or trade items between them.To solve this problem I spent some time creating a Diablo 3 Save Editor Ps3 Download which will allow you to easily create different characters, carry over equipment between them and even trade items put into your stash. By downloading this save editor I will not be able to fix "Diablo 3" because Blizzard has a policy against editing saves, but this will allow players to tweak the game and make it fully personalized.I've spent a lot of time tweaking parameters and finding a balance between useful features and stability, along with a few bug fixes. I would recommend only downloading the Windows version as it's much less likely to cause crashes or corrupt your save data. The source code is included as well as some example characters that you can modify from the menu. By now the last few builds have been stable for me, but you could always use the latest build from my github page for now for testing purposes. The following is a list of features:Modify any character you own and will ever own, including those of other people on your PC.If you want to create your first character as a Crusader but don't like the name "Crusader", this editor will allow you to change it to whatever you like. You can also change the classes if you want to skip the class selection screen the next time you launch "Diablo 3".Another cool feature is that you can use any name and description for your favorite pet or follower and even rename them completely. If you're the type of person that uses your pets to feed your pets or if you simply want to name them something special after completing "Diablo 3", now you can.The last feature is the ability to use any item in your stash as an item in the game, which means you can use gold or even other items even though they are not tradeable. The only things that cannot be used are equipment and runes.Create any number of characters by creating a save file with a single character and using the "Save As..." feature. This will create multiple files for each character that are all editable. This is helpful for people who like to play as different characters and don't want to go through the torture of playing "Diablo 3" all over again.To make things easier, I included a few example characters that you can customize from the menu, such as an Amazon that has over level 600.This doesn't mean you should upload those characters online as they would be banned immediately by Blizzard's anti-cheat system, but it is still useful for testing purposes.
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