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Terminator 2 Punjabi Dubbed Movie
The best way to learn a language is through movies so here we have the Punjabi dubbed movie of Terminator 2. This movie is based on what happens in “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” and it has been dubbed in Punjabi by an Indian actor named Siddharth Jain. So, watch this film to get a good knowledge of Punjabi language.If you want to know what phrases mean then just ask them or look them up online or use translator apps on your smartphone. If you really want to get off the ground and understand more about this country then just learn some basics such as numbers, colors, names of cities and countries etc... Punjabi is a language spoken in the Indian state of Punjab and in numerous village pockets across northern India and eastern Pakistan. It is a member of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages, and traditionally spoken by the Punjabi people, who live in northern India and Pakistan. Punjabi is written using an abugida script. In general, the words are pronounced as they are spelt, for example "paa" or "bhukh". With about 150 million speakers worldwide it is one of the most widely spoken languages in Europe along with Russian. Punjabi is also spoken in Punjab in Pakistan, whereas in the USA there are sizeable communities of Punjabi speakers in New York City, Los Angeles, Paterson (New Jersey), San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area (including Mill Valley and Alameda), Atlanta (Ga.), Chicago (Ill.), Dallas, Miami (Fla.), Philadelphia (Pa.), Pittsburgh(Pittsburgh), Cleveland (Ohio) and many more cities.Worldwide it is spoken by about 2.2 million people.The capital of Punjab is Chandigarh. This movie has been released in India on 3 November 2009. For more information about the Punjabi language, visit or It is always good to learn the basics of every language that you learn, so here are some basic Punjabi Phrases that you can use when learning this language. You can either get them off the Internet or get them from your teacher if you are learning it at school or college. Some additional phrases in the movie are "Jaa", "Pehlan", and "Peeho" as well as some version of the word yes such as "Yaa". When you want to say no, then simply say "Naa". The next set of words that you can learn are some basic greetings such as "Sat sri akal!" although, if your teacher is a Sikh and is teaching you Punjabi, then you will also learn:Sat sri akal. Sat nam. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.This is usually what Sikhs say at the start and end of every prayer.
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