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Lpr Physiology Book Free
Trying to find a well-written and informative book that covers all of the important things you need to know about laryngeal physiology? Look no further! This post talks about what laryngeal physiology is, why it's so important, and how an understanding of this field can be helpful when it comes to your work.
About meI'm a registered nurse who has been working in acute care for two years now. I'm also in grad school studying anatomy & physiology with the goal of becoming a physician assistant. I have a strong interest in the human body and its functions. I'm also an amateur voice user and voice care enthusiast.
Why is laryngeal physiology important?A number of medical conditions affect how vocal folds (the airway's dynamic regulators) function and the work they do. A good understanding of laryngeal physiology can help you understand how diseases like dyspnea, dysphonia, voice tremor, and tonsillar hypertrophy develop, as well as give you tools to make an informed diagnosis about your patient's condition (or even your own).
What is laryngeal physiology?Laryngeal physiology is the study of the function of vocal folds in generating spoken language, breathing, and protecting us from inhaled foreign objects.
Vocal folds are two bands of muscle tissue that reside at the entrance to the airway (the glottis). When air passes by them, these muscles open up like a curtain, lowering pressure in the tube (the trachea) and allowing air to rush in. As this happens, they also vibrate with great force (thanks to "tensional integrity") - this is what we hear when we listen to someone talk.
The muscles responsible for this folding are called laryngeal muscles, and they are so named because they span the larynx (or voice box).
Other muscles of the airway protect you from inhaling things - like smoke, dust, allergens, or even hot dogs. If these muscles aren't doing their jobs properly (let go of their primary function), you may end up with throat irritation.
Here's an opportunity for some easy analogies:"Vocal folds act like the taffy on strings; when taffy gets stretched beyond its normal limits, it can break. In the same way, when vocal folds are stretched beyond their normal limits, they can break. If you do this enough times, eventually the strings will snap, and the stringed instrument will stop functioning.""Vocal folds act like a tape recorder. When something is played back on a tape recorder, you hear a voice. If something is played back on a tape recorder over and over again without rest periods in between each playback, eventually the recording media will wear out and break. In the same way if vocal folds are used up past their breaking points without periods of rest in between performances, they can wear out and develop laryngeal voice tremor.""Vocal folds act like an automobile engine.
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