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If you're looking to download a program that can aid you in learning Italian, then this is the post that's guaranteed to answer your prayers. We've compiled a list of the best websites and apps available which will provide you with hours of interactive education and help you master the language in no time. So what are you waiting for? Check out these resources now!{% assign langs = "es" %}{% assign lang_code = "en" %} {% include 'lang-code-check' with langs='{lang | default:' '}{lang}'. html}{% assign lang_code = "it" %} {% include 'lang-code-check' with lang_code='{lang | default:' '}{lang}'.html}{% assign lang_code = "fr" %} {% include 'lang-code-check' with langs='{lang | default:' '}{lang}'.html}{% assign lang_code = "de" %} {% include 'lang-code-check' with langs='{lang | default:' '}{lang}'. html}{% assign lang_code = "es" %} {% include 'lang-code-check' with langs='{lang | default:' '}{lang}'.html}1. Programa Volare Pini Download GratisThe best free Italian language learning program out there is Volare Pini, which was created in Italy in order to assist the millions people who want to learn Italian. It has proven effective, and it's also available online without an account since you can simply download the program.Volare Pini is designed by famous Italian writer Agatha Christie for all ages, and it even tries to prevent language learning fatigue. It's a great educational tool that will help you learn Italian in a fun way.2. Duolingo ReviewDuolingo is definitely one of the most well-known free online resources for learning foreign languages, especially because it's completely free and extremely interactive. It's used by millions of people who are wanting to learn Italian all over the world, and it does wonders for beginners! It prefers active learning techniques through activities like writing, speaking and translating text. Is this the next step in language learning? You be the judge!3. Mango Languages ReviewMango Languages is another excellent piece of software that's designed to help you master Italian while having fun at the same time. It's a video course mixing lessons with games, role plays, quizzes and much more. It's suitable for beginners and is also ideal for continuing your language learning after your online Italian course. Mango Languages is completely free, so log on to the official site today to check it out!4. Learn Italian At Home Reviewed Learn Italian At Home is a free website which offers you useful advice on literally every aspect of Italian language learning. You can then use it as a reference or read about different aspects of the language that interests you most.
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