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Ebook P Antar Logika By B Arief Sidharta (epub) !!TOP!! Full Torrent Rar

2021.11.19 01:11

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Pengantar Logika By B Arief Sidharta Pdf

Ioritaka Pengantar Logika by B. Arief Sidharta.pdfThe Pengantar Logika is an easy-to lling introduction to logic written in Indonesian for students studying towards a bachelor or master degree in field of Philosophy at the senior high school level. The book is intended to cover material of basic logic courses given at most local universities, making it suitable for students who are new to the subject. This book discusses the categorical, hypothetical, and disjunctive syllogisms along with presenting an example on each topic. It then moves on to topics such as modus ponens, valid reasoning, inductive reasoning and analogy s4-5 . This book is good for Indonesian students who wish to learn about logical reasoning and its applications. The book has a well-organized structure, which makes it easy to read and learn the rules and principles of logic. It is suitable for use in Indonesia because it can be used by students who are new to logic and want a simple way to understand the subject .Logic is an art of thinking, or a working method in situations where we have no certain knowledge S4 . Logic studies how we ought to think in order to reach conclusions that are certain. The conclusions will be correct, i.e., true in every case when these rules are followed S4 . The book starts by presenting some definitions and basic principles of logic S4 . The main idea of the book is about how we ought to form conclusions and how we can reach them. To do so, we need to use several rules. The author then presents the following:Causation: A cause is an event that has led to another event and this latter event would not have occurred without the former. Hypothetical syllogism: An instance of a hypothetical syllogism is one where 'if .., then ..' is followed by 'If .., then ..' One can move from a consequent to a consequent S4 . The next step is to present premises and conclusions. The term 'premise' is used in order to refer to statements on which valid arguments are based. A valid argument has two properties: the conclusion follows from what is stated in the premise, and there can be no situation where the conclusion does not follow from what is stated in the premise. The author then presents some examples of premises and conclusions, among them are:Syllogisms: Syllogism refers to arguments with two-premises S4 . Syllogism is a kind of argument that requires both premises to be true. In a syllogism two statements P and Q are usually combined together, e.g., 'Bucephalus is a horse. Bucephalus is white. Therefore, Bucephalus is white S4 . Conversions: The term 'conversion' refers to the process of converting one statement into another S4 . The basis of logical reasoning can be found in what we know about the world and how it behaves. In other words, according to logic we have to base our conclusions on knowledge that has been proven or verified over time .


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