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Cs 16 Server Rcon Password Hack
This is a tutorial on how to hack cs 16 server rcon password.In this tutorial I will use a steam exploit to get into a server and then use that file with the service login of either "password" or "password1". The process of getting from one user to another is as follows: 1) Log in as an admin user. 2) Launch CS16 Service Login, type in "password" or "password1". 3) In this case, I am going to launch the interactive shell as administrator. To do so you need exactly one command - /interactiveshell - this will automatically put you into the privileged mode of your system. 4) Navigate to Program Files > Steam > steamapps > common > Counter-Strike Global Offensive > csgo folder. 5) Click on the server you want to hack with Rcon. 6) Create a new text document. 7) Copy the content of the file with your rcon password into that file. 8 ) Rename the text document to "server" without quotes. 10 ) Delete any file with extension .cfg in the csgo folder. 11) Launch server and have fun!
The process is as follows:1 - Launch CS16 Service handler "password" or "password1". 2 - Open server console and write "changelevel de_dust2".3- Open the file csgo/csgo/cfg/server and edit it.Notepad++ or equivalent is recommended, making a backup of the old file may be productive as well.
4 - Insert the following code: bind "key" "connect″ (Replace key with your own) echo 1 > host_maxplayers exec ../../steamcmd/ +login USERNAME PASSWORD +force_install_dir .. /../steamapps/common/csgo/bin/5 - Create a new text document and change the following lines:bind "key" "connect″" to bind your_key_here ↑ ↑ ↑ write "exec server.cfg". Click save file ↓ ↓ ↓ 6 - Finally, you need to edit the file csgo/cfg/connects.vdf, paste the following part into it (WARNING!!!): bind "key" "connect″ . 7 - Done! Try playing a round.The password will be copied from the server console to the clipboard. Use it in a text editor and make your changes to the file csgo/cfg/server.cfg. There are more options for this exploit, i will do another article with other methods too.
The process is as follows:1 - Launch CS16 Service handler "password" or "password1". 2 - Open server console and write "changelevel de_dust2".3 - Open the file csgo/csgo/cfg/server and edit it. Notepad++ or equivalent is recommended, making a backup of the old file may be productive as well.
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