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Ps2CDVDCheck 1 31 Full Version.rar
Ps2CDVDCheck is a small and fast shortcut for finding the correct DVD/CD image, ISO or DLL file which you need to burn to CDs or DVDs.This software makes your CD/DVD burning tasks more time-saving and effortless. Here you can find a whole bunch of freeware tools that do the same job this program does just a bit differently.
Step 1. Download Ps2CDVDCheck 1.31 Full Version.rar. Take the .rar archive file to your computer and use the WinRAR archiver utility to decompress it; this will create a .zip archive with the program files inside, and another folder named "Source" (the actual program files). After that, you need to install it into your system by following the below-mentioned steps one by one
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Step 2. Run the .exe file of Ps2CdVdCheck Setup Enviro Setup Wizard, input all required information for setup process like "User Name", "Password", "Language", "Time Zone", etc.
Step 3. Select your DVD or CD media. You can use real or simulated disc. Use the optical drive indicator for this option.
(a) Burn Fast* means it will create the image in few minutes, while "Slow Burn" takes long time to finish burning process, but gives much better result in image quality/sharpness/contrast when compared to "Burn Fast"."" "" "" "" " *Option to burn ISO file into disk image file"
Step 4. When you are ready with every step of the setup wizard, click on Finish button at last step of wizard process, and finally you will see a window saying "Setup Complete". Go ahead and click on Apply & OK button to finish the setup process.
Step 5. After successful completion of the setup process, you will be prompted with a window to save the new configuration information for running Ps2CDVDCheck in the future. Click on Ok button to save your settings.Note: You can also viewPs2CDVDCheck's complete interface after it is installed by clicking on Help button in Ps2CdVdCheck Setup Wizard. Step 6. After that, open the folder where you installed Ps2CDVDCheck, click on Ps2CDVDCheck.exe (the .exe of Ps2CDVDCheck program) to run the software after following the instructions given in the window of application program.
Step 7. You can also view videos regarding how to use this great software on YouTube Search by typing "Ps2CDVDCheck 1 31 Full Version."
If you are using more than one optical drive (DVD, CDRW, DVD-RW etc.
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