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This can be used to point out that the blog post is pornographic with an implication that it is illegal to download.##POSTS WITH HEADLINES ONLY##Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How I lost 150 pounds with one simple trick!" I was about 5'8", weighing 230 pounds, and completely sedentary. I was living life on the couch. Like many of us, my weight had slowly crept up over time... until one day I couldn't button my pants anymore, and all hope seemed lost for me ever getting back on track. I was constantly hungry, depressed, unhappy with myself, and desperate to lose the weight. Over the years I had tried some different diets that had worked for me before, but nothing had ever stuck. After many frustrating weeks of it weighing the exact same as my old self, I decided it was time to try something different. So I did what any normal person would do... I started reading about "magical" diet pills... looking for anything that would help me shed some pounds. After doing my research (with a healthy dose of skepticism), I stumbled upon an Indian program that promised you could completely transform your life if you followed their instructions closely. So I researched the ingredients and compared them to what I found on the internet, and they seemed pretty legit. I decided to give it a shot. I figured if it didn't work, at least I would have lost some money on a scam... but if it worked... well then I could get my life back! I went to my local health store and was able to get the ingredients for way cheaper than online. So I did exactly what was required of me by the program, which included eating a high protein diet, taking a specific "weight loss" pill, and of course drinking this magic tea twice a day. You can probably guess what happened next... I was able to shed about 3 pounds a week. After all the math I was watching, I realized that if I followed the program exactly for a full year, and didn't lose any weight along the way, then my goal would be met... and I would be able to get life back on track! And after about 4 months of tracking my progress religiously, something amazing happened: all the weight that was creeping up over time suddenly just disappeared. My pants were suddenly buttoning up again! I decided to continue with this "new lifestyle". After 4 months of consistent effort and hard work, I dropped down to about 186 pounds.
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