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Font Lucida Big Casual T Demi Italic
Hi, I'm Daniel. I make fonts, and you can buy my typefaces at rationaltype.comI've designed a sans-serif typeface with a larger x-height than most other sans serifs because the lowercase characters are used more often in body text. This means that when mixed with upper case text it's easier to read in small chunks of copy because the letters are larger relative to the x height. It also has an unusually large character set containing complete coverage of Central European languages including Turkish, Greek and Cyrillic - which is rare for a true sans serif typeface. This typeface is available as OpenType and as a webfont at rationaltype.com/serifs/AAT-RegularThe Cyrillic version is available as OpenType with Mac OS X and Windows, and as a webfont at rationaltype.com/serifs/AAT-CyrillicBy the way, if you want a font for Romanian, look under my name on rationaltype.com for my Chisinou typeface. Welcome to my art site! In order to restore my free time from making fonts, I decided to start this website. As of January 2018 I was doing free on-line art courses at dancetech.tv.I created a total of 20 videos and provided PDFs with the source code to create projects.Here is the complete list: My name is Daniel, and I am 34 years old, and live in Potsdam, Germany (just outside Berlin). I like making art and playing soccer (goalie). This site documents my various creative projects over the years. If you're interested in getting additional information about me or my company, take a look at the pages below: About Me or Rationaltype. You can get in touch with me using the contact form below. My username on various platforms is also listed below.I speak German fluently, English fairly well, and Spanish like a gringo (read: I don't speak Spanish). I am born in Germany (Berlin), but grew up in the US (Atlanta, Georgia). If you think this site is great, feel free to share it online on your social media! If you need additional information or want to get in touch with me, please use the contact page on my personal website (see below). As of 2019 I am looking for work. Please contact me on my site for current availability. On the "About Me" page below you can also download a bunch of my artwork from 2005 until 2013. You can also get in touch with me on my personal website.In the About Me section you can find: You can contact me by filling out the contact form or by emailing me at krakenfu@gmail.com. I also hang out in various places online: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Google+, and LinkedIn. My username on all platforms is "Daniel Krampe". At this point (April 2017), I am looking for contract work (web design and development) in Potsdam, Germany (near Berlin).
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