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Yaadein Mp4 Movie Download In Hindi
Ultimately, Yaadein is not the best movie you will ever see. Irresponsible behavior prevented it from being so. But there are enough redeeming qualities to it that you might be able to overlook its flaws and still enjoy yourself, if only just a little bit. Yaadein won't take your breath away with its heart wrenching story, but sometimes all you need is some mindless entertainment that's not too shallow for its own good. This movie isn't anything to write home about, but it's not so bad that I'd be rushing to the mail box for an angry letter of complaint. Yaadein isn't worth watching if you're in the mood for something seriously good, but neither is it so bad that you should immediately change the channel when you see it come up. Give this one a shot if you're bored and looking for something that's fun enough to pass the time. It just might surprise you.
Jai Hind!!Pujita Bhattacharya
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