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2021.11.19 02:35


Ten Commandments Full Movie 1956 Tagalog Version Of Bible

1. thou shalt not kill2. thou shalt not commit adultery3. thou shalt not steal4. thou shall not lie5. rule number six, you shall honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God hath given thee6. rule number seven, you should forsake all thine evil wayes and cleave unto the Lord by keeping his commandments-the book of moses chapter 20 verse 12 states this clearly7f .you should keep holy the Sabbath day-the book of moses chapter 23 verse 3 states it clearly 8f . you shall not make unto thee any graven image9f .you shall not perform miracles, for this cause many are deceived10f. you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain-this is one of the ten commandments that was given by god to help people out, by example god stated"a godly man see he honoureth the god of his father and mother that his days may be long in the land which god has given him", so if you understand something you should walk in it, no one can teach you to live right but yourself its up to you to be good...all the laws are for your safety so always obey them because unlike other religions commandments are an order for your own good.
The 1995 novel "Miracle of the Sea" by Raynhard Chansuthasen depicts the story of an attempted genocide of the Cincoden [or "Cindakan" or "cindat" in Filipino] tribe. The novel follows the journey undertaken by a group of survivors as they try to find safety on an island. The main character, Sabel, is one of the Cincoden tribesmen who escaped their homeland to find refuge on Balabac Island during World War II. After his father dies, he is forced into slavery but after escaping, he tries to find safety with other survivors on Balabac Island. However, the Japanese troops who had occupied his hometown of Cincoden slaughter his village just as they had done to thousands of other Filipinos during the war. Sabel is forced to join the Filipino guerilla soldiers in fighting against the Japanese oppression.The novel follows Sabel on his journey during World War II as he tries to find safety on Balabac Island, where he abandons his family and sets sail for Manila with other survivors. He meets an old man (the island's caretaker) who tells him that there are many other survivors on the island, but they got separated since most of them fled by swimming to Manila. Sabel also learns that the Japanese have taken control of their hometown and that his village had been burnt down. They make plans to kill those surviving members of the tribe who are considered enemies of the Japanese, as they believe they will be spared from slaughtering if they do so. However, Sabel and two other tribesmen escape and head for Manila, as no one else wanted to join them on their journey.The second half of the novel describes Sabel's journey back to Balabac Island after fleeing from an American bombardment in Manila.


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